Recently, I've seen some pretty amazing movies. I've just got with MY girls and we've loved the movies!
The Blind Side:
OH MY GOODNESS! I l-o-v-e this one! Sandra is amazing in it and she cracks me right up. It was so funny to see her as a blonde. The story was so touching and I found myself crying and laughing at the same time.. And not just crying because I was laughing (for all those of you who know me pretty well) I was crying because it was tender. I loved the car crash, I was getting all emotional there too. Wow, it was even better to find out that the guy is alive and real! Anyway, it was an amazing movie and I'm so glad I spent the money to see it.
Old Dogs:
I saw this one with MY little Kennedy Poo. I thought it was funny that she wanted to see that one, but it ended up being really funny! John Travolta and Robin Williams are so hilarious in it! My favorite scene had to be when they're at the camp and Robin's son is talking about how the two men are "partners" and the camp director is getting all uncomfortable. It was so funny! I was cracking up. There were plenty of laughable moments and lots of things Kenn didn't understand. Good ol' PG movies are the best!
The Princess and the Frog:
AWWWWWWW! It was too adorable! I loved the music and the fact that it was cartoon. I loved Raymon', but you can call him Ray! I loved the gator too! The princess was gorgeous (which is weird to say about a cartoon). The prince was a total babe too! Ow ow! I would like me one of those. "Escue me, one more time now," (Ray's line) had me CRACKING up! Then he says "I got my big butt glowing" sooo funny! Who doesn't love a classic Disney princess story. The only thing I didn't like were the scary demon shadows! They were freaky. I don't mess with Satan and that was definitely him!