

Is a good man's birthday.

Dad, Stu, Stugi, Fathaaa--just a few of his beloved names-- turns 49 today. Wow, that sounds old.

Anyway, Stu is a stand up guy. Really, I'm totally fond of him. He's hardworking, talented, loving, faithful and witty. He cracks me up (not as much as I crack myself up, though). I am lucky to have him. He's the epitome of "dad." At least, when I think of what a "dad" is, Stu's qualities make the list.

He's on a new fitness kick called "Fit By Fifty." His own creation and the the name/slogan makes me want to go to a political rally or something. I actually laughed out loud when he told me the title. He's clever!

Yeah, this photo is from his younger years, but it's just a great shot of him.

So to you, Dad, on your 49th, thanks. Thanks for the love, the laughs, the support and the consequences. Thanks for the lessons, the lectures and the lunches. I thank my lucky stars (and my Heavenly Father) for a Dad like you. Here's to many more memories and funny stories.

I love you!


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