
a cult?


Let's talk about this article for a moment.
I liked the beginning. I found it to be kind and supportive.
But I didn't like the comments about being a cult or about ol' Mitt being title obsessed.

What is a cult? Google tells me the word "cult" means:
1. A system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.
2. A relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister.

Number one, absolutely. Mormon (or Latter-Day Saint) beliefs are devoted to Jesus Christ.
Number two, absolutely. People believe us to be strange. I do not drink alcohol. I do not curse. I do not wear immodest clothing. Do you find that strange? I don't do these things, because I don't want to. I want to follow the teachings of my gospel. Does that make me odd? If it does, I'll gladly be strange.

Whether Mitt Romney likes being called Bishop or President Romney or not, we say those titles out of respect. It's the equivalent of being called "Pastor Smith" or "Rabbi Shmuley." There's nothing wrong with being addressed with your title and it doesn't mean that you are narcissistic or title obsessed.

I support Mitt Romney as a fellow Mormon and as a fellow United States citizen.


Miss Jones

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