
Young Marrieds

Sometimes, I feel weird. People my age are getting married and having babies. I mean, c'mon guys, we're just kids. Then again, I might be the only one who isn't ready for marriage and babies. So to all my love bird friends (or to those consciously looking for someone to put a ring on {it}), best of luck to you. I'll miss you out here in single town. 

And just a heads up, if your wedding and/or invites share a theme with these photos, you might be tacky.

Thank you for sharing this little gem, Cheri Peacock. Nothing says forever like a little camouflage.

I hope she recycled her dress into some balloon animals.

Maybe it's wrong to share this one. I mean, this boy is in my Spanish class after all, but hey, I bet they loved their wedding. I just think their invite is so special. AND creative. Again, Cheri Peacock, thank you.

Anyway, I wish you well, young marrieds.


Miss Jones