
Christmas Venting

I have beef with Christmas. Christmas does me wrong. It stresses me.

I love the reason we celebrate Christmas, but I hate the stress I feel on the holidays--just read this knowing I fully admit that I'm crazy. Okay, so I love purchasing gifts for my loved ones. I really love showering them with trinkets and love, I do, but actually handing over the gift terrifies me. I usually feel pretty confident that my loved ones will enjoy their gifts, but I've been in the uncomfortable situation of receiving a gift you are totally underwhelmed by: My maternal grandma loves to give me the clothes that she buys for herself and then ends up not liking. They might not fit right or they may seem too old lady-ish. She has also given me a jacket that was four X's and an L too big. Because of these awkward "thanks-grandma-I-love-it"s that I've experienced, I am freaked to put anyone else through it.

I love the shopping. Hate the unwrapping.

Merry Christmas,

Miss Jones

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