

Well, I am officially off to Spain. Watching Cedar City fade out of the rear view window for the last time for 5 weeks, was surprisingly hard. I love Cedar and all my friends and loved ones there. I pray you will all be healthy, happy and safe while I'm gone.

I'm embarking on the newest adventure of my life. What an awesome opportunity I have.

I have wet eyes from crying and an accelerated pulse from excitement. I have shakes because of fear and calm thoughts because I know all will be well.

1 comment:

  1. Ima miss you WAY to much. Everyone asks me what im going to do without you, and I seriously have NO idea. I cry while typing this, because im a baby. But I know this will be a great experience for you, and you will grow and learn SO much. Then you will come back and we will start from where we left off. And hopefully be roomies, and start a whole new fun, exciting adventure together. PLEASE BE SAFE! AND SMART! AND MISS MEEEEEEEEEEEE!

