
Lovers and Haters

I'd like to take a few moments to express gratitude for the lovers and haters in MY life.


You're little people with little character. I do not like you, but I'm grateful for you. I learn so much about myself through you. You love to make outlandish claims and tell lies. You love to make me cry. Thanks. I am always able to pick myself up off the floor and move on. I don't understand the sick pleasure you get out of hurting me, but I guess I'll never understand your kind. Sure, I've said some mean things too, but never have I crossed the line like you have. A piece of advice to haters families, don't get involved. We're adults and we can handle our own problems. Haters, what makes you think I owe you anything? What makes you think I should give a dang? If you're out to hurt me, awesome. Love that. NOT. Girl of 2009, I learned so much about you as a person and I'm thankful that we aren't friends. Girl of 2010, completely shocking. It's really awesome when I think people care about me, but they don't. To all the people that try to bring me down, you're adversity and I WILL rise above you and move on. PEACE!


Oh how I love you dearly. You help me pick myself up and realize that the haters are just that, haters. You help me to realize that even though these people say horrible things about me doesn't make them true. Some of the best lovers in MY life are: MY mom: She's great and always on team Alex no matter what. If she sees MY fault in the issue, she tells me (Doesn't get involved like other mothers). MY sisters: truly loving and kind. They support me from a distance and I know I could call them crying whenever and they'd be there for me. MY Mariah: She's the best friend. She supports me and loves me. She forgives me when I make mistakes. I love her. She is a strong person and really pushes me to move on. I appreciate that. MY roommates: They are sweet. They don't gossip about MY drama. They don't spread it. They just listen and build me up. They're so kind. I love that I can talk to them and no one else will know. MY friends: For those of you who are good friends, thanks. You always make a point to let me know when lies are being spread out of the blue and you love me. What more can I ask for? Nothing.

Basically, if you're out to cause drama, don't bother coming around. Thanks.

Ms. Jones

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