Two thousand and eleven has been a year of growth, change and learning.
Truths Learned In 2011:
-Sometimes, those whom you love the most, hurt you the worst.
-Family forgives.
-I make too many mistakes in my friendships.
-Spending countless hours in the library pays off.
-Apologizing is important, even when it's months after the fact.
-Taking chances helps you grow.
-Finding joy in the unknown is easy.
-I have worth.
-Choose quality over quantity. Always.
-Sometimes, friends have to move aside to make room for better, closer friendships.
I won a lot this year. I lost a lot this year.
Thanks to all who have been a part of 2011.
Life just keeps getting better.
Miss Jones
Christmas Venting
I have beef with Christmas. Christmas does me wrong. It stresses me.
I love the reason we celebrate Christmas, but I hate the stress I feel on the holidays--just read this knowing I fully admit that I'm crazy. Okay, so I love purchasing gifts for my loved ones. I really love showering them with trinkets and love, I do, but actually handing over the gift terrifies me. I usually feel pretty confident that my loved ones will enjoy their gifts, but I've been in the uncomfortable situation of receiving a gift you are totally underwhelmed by: My maternal grandma loves to give me the clothes that she buys for herself and then ends up not liking. They might not fit right or they may seem too old lady-ish. She has also given me a jacket that was four X's and an L too big. Because of these awkward "thanks-grandma-I-love-it"s that I've experienced, I am freaked to put anyone else through it.
I love the shopping. Hate the unwrapping.
Merry Christmas,
Miss Jones
I love the reason we celebrate Christmas, but I hate the stress I feel on the holidays--just read this knowing I fully admit that I'm crazy. Okay, so I love purchasing gifts for my loved ones. I really love showering them with trinkets and love, I do, but actually handing over the gift terrifies me. I usually feel pretty confident that my loved ones will enjoy their gifts, but I've been in the uncomfortable situation of receiving a gift you are totally underwhelmed by: My maternal grandma loves to give me the clothes that she buys for herself and then ends up not liking. They might not fit right or they may seem too old lady-ish. She has also given me a jacket that was four X's and an L too big. Because of these awkward "thanks-grandma-I-love-it"s that I've experienced, I am freaked to put anyone else through it.
I love the shopping. Hate the unwrapping.
Merry Christmas,
Miss Jones
During this Christmas season, I find myself reflecting about the year. I am not a journaler, but Grandma Jones says it is important to at least record the highlights of each passing year, so here it goes (also, some of these "highlights" are a stretch, just go with me):
January: All of my mom's family got together to celebrate what would have been my Uncle Paul's 40th birthday. What a treat to see everyone. A relative made a slide show with photos of the big guy and there wasn't a dry eye afterwards. I laughed, I cried and I felt extremely blessed. We even rode horses for a minute.
January: All of my mom's family got together to celebrate what would have been my Uncle Paul's 40th birthday. What a treat to see everyone. A relative made a slide show with photos of the big guy and there wasn't a dry eye afterwards. I laughed, I cried and I felt extremely blessed. We even rode horses for a minute.
February: I got a new hairstyle in February. I loved my bangs, but they were a ton of work and I eventually let them grow out.
March: In March, I spent my entire spring break babysitting and earning money for Spain. Good thing the kids are total sweethearts and I had a ton of fun.
April: Two of my girl friends and I attended the Brian Regan performance here at SUU. He is always hilarious. My parents, younger brother, youngest sister and I took a spur of the moment vacation to Disneyland. And I had my twentieth birthday. No more wise cracks from my dad about being a "teeny bopper," or so I thought.
May: I spent the month of May preparing for the month of June, but it was a great time. I had a lot of help preparing for my big adventure and I realized how much I'd miss my friends and family. The day this photo was taken, Mariah and I went on "The Zipper" three times, if I'm not mistaken.
June: Oh June... Where do I begin. I went to Spain. I've only written about it like 10 times. I became really close to my Cheri love. I learned a ton of Spanish. I fell in love with my host family and I made some huge life decisions. SUU has given me some pretty awesome experiences, but this particular experience takes the cake.
July: My older sister, Jenn, left on an LDS mission. Wow, she's incredible. Also, my younger sister Lexi turned 19! I spent 10 days in Phoenix with those two and I am so glad I did. It really helped us reconnect and get to know each other again. I am so lucky to have them. Aw, I love my family! (We all have very teary eyes in this picture. It was taken right after Jenn officially became a missionary. Also, the little girl is their sister, Anna.)
August: Samuel H. Taylor (one of my favorite people) turned 21. Two of his friends and I took him for a random and silly ride up Cedar canyon. I also introduced him to some crazy fun times with the Joneses when my sister Lexi brought three of her friends up for a visit. We all saw "The Music Man" done by the Utah Shakespeare Festival. Then Lexi, friends and I hiked Kanarraville falls, went on a lake trip and visited our family's mountain property.
September:Samuel H. Taylor, our friend Jessica and I went to Vegas to watch the SUU T-Birds beat UNLV in football. Really, we spanked them. On their field. Definitely memorable for me. I learned I get really into games...
AND my beautiful niece Brooke Alexandria Mull was born. Oh, I love her and yes, she is my namesake. This was our first meeting.
October: I do not like Halloween, but Jessica's family was kind enough to take me to "Thriller" this year. I loved it and I was totally creeped by the costume people. Yuck! I definitely spent every night of October in the library.
November: Thanksgiving is always a fun event around the Joneses table. We eat (too much), laugh (equally as much) and watch (not enough) football. My aunt always turns off the game. I spent Black Friday in Vegas on the strip getting my shop on. I found some new things that I'm loving and still wearing. I am lacking photos from November, so here is a picture I snagged on campus.
December:Thank goodness the semester is over. Fewf. I have had some awesome experiences in December, but one of my favorites was when Jessica and I took a random night trip down to St George. We visited her family and friends and on the way back I learned just how considerate she really is. Snaps for Jessica who also turned 19 this month. Santa sent a little elf to visit me yesterday. And most importantly, my older brother returned home safely from his tour in Iraq. So happy to have him home.
Thank you to everyone that was a part of my 2011. I learned, grew and gained strength. 2011 was a year for the history books. I hope you are all well and finding yourselves happy, healthy and well this holiday season.
Miss Jones
Awkward: Eating like a man
I say eating like a man, because my dear ol' dad frequently eats like this on road trips. He also describes himself as a "man's man." So, I guess he's pretty manly and knows what's it like to eat like a man. Yeah, something like that.
I feel like I've been eating like a man these last two days. Almost as if I've been on a man quest [My friend once went on a man quest]. Anyway, I've been eating sunflower seeds like they are going out of style. Just picture me sitting at the library for hours popping these things left and right, like a junkie almost. Or picture me at work, facing a wall, typing on the keyboard and crunching some seeds in my grill. Now, I try to be consida-it [thanks, Tracy]. I use an opaque container for my shells so no one has to look at my spitty left overs, but I feel like I'm still bothering people. It's rather loud. Any suggestions for how I can be a little more thoughtful of other's eardrums?
Miss Jones
P.S. Sorry I related myself to a junkie and said grill. Obviously, I'm feeling a little ghetto.
I feel like I've been eating like a man these last two days. Almost as if I've been on a man quest [My friend once went on a man quest]. Anyway, I've been eating sunflower seeds like they are going out of style. Just picture me sitting at the library for hours popping these things left and right, like a junkie almost. Or picture me at work, facing a wall, typing on the keyboard and crunching some seeds in my grill. Now, I try to be consida-it [thanks, Tracy]. I use an opaque container for my shells so no one has to look at my spitty left overs, but I feel like I'm still bothering people. It's rather loud. Any suggestions for how I can be a little more thoughtful of other's eardrums?
Miss Jones
P.S. Sorry I related myself to a junkie and said grill. Obviously, I'm feeling a little ghetto.
Aw, Pooh
"Promise me you will always remember-- You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." Christopher Robin
Mrs. Schrute
I was recently linked on a blog as the person Dwight Schrute is destined to be with. Such a compliment, but I realized that I am not funny on my blog and I don't say very Schrute acceptable things. In real life, I swear I am funny and say things my honey-to-be would appreciate.
I often begin my statements with "fact."
I often begin my queries with "question."
Obviously, I believe beets are the solution to any ailment, disease, or illness.
I, too, have cousins from the 1700s just hanging around my farm.
Looking down on my inferiors is a healthy reminder to them of who is first-rate.
The color of dijon mustard is the only color found in my wardrobe.
I wear glasses that my grandpa wore in the 90s.
I will work to be funny on this blog and lead you all to believe that I should be Mrs. Schrute.
Also, I love Creed. I read about him on "Dunderpedia" all the time.
Miss Jones
I got the photo here.
Makes Me Think
'Today, as my son cried in my arms, he said, “What nobody realizes is that it’s torture. Every day of my life I wish I wasn’t gay.” MMT'
If this is you, please know that there are those of us who love you.
I care that you struggle.
I care that you feel alone.
I hurt because you are persecuted.
It pains me that you sometimes hate yourselves.
Have faith. God loves you. I do too.
It may never get easier, but you have value. More than you'll ever know.
You are strong. Stronger than most.
Read more short stories that will leave you smiling, crying, and thinking here.
Miss Jones
If this is you, please know that there are those of us who love you.
I care that you struggle.
I care that you feel alone.
I hurt because you are persecuted.
It pains me that you sometimes hate yourselves.
Have faith. God loves you. I do too.
It may never get easier, but you have value. More than you'll ever know.
You are strong. Stronger than most.
Read more short stories that will leave you smiling, crying, and thinking here.
Miss Jones
I know a real life superhero.
His name is Addison.
He's my brother.
He's also a soldier.
Everyday, he protects the rights that I posses as an American.
There have been songs written about heroes like him.
I don't know exactly what he does everyday, but I do know that it's important.
This year, I am thankful for my brother, his sacrifices and his safety.
You may not know this, but I used to be super against the military. Really only against having someone in my family join, but now, I see how much good it's done in his life and I'm glad he joined.
I really hope he'll be home for the holidays, but if he can't make it, he'll certainly be in our hearts and minds.
I love you, big brother. You are my hero.
Miss Jones
p.s. I AM proud to be an American.
He's my brother.
He's also a soldier.
Everyday, he protects the rights that I posses as an American.
There have been songs written about heroes like him.
I don't know exactly what he does everyday, but I do know that it's important.
This year, I am thankful for my brother, his sacrifices and his safety.
You may not know this, but I used to be super against the military. Really only against having someone in my family join, but now, I see how much good it's done in his life and I'm glad he joined.
I really hope he'll be home for the holidays, but if he can't make it, he'll certainly be in our hearts and minds.
I love you, big brother. You are my hero.
Miss Jones
p.s. I AM proud to be an American.
Ray, as in Ray-Ban.
I believe whole heartedly that God places people in our lives for our benefit. Sometimes, I look at the people around me and my heart is overwhelmed by the love that I feel for these people. There is one person in particular that I look up to. We'll call him "Ray" for this post's purpose.
Ray and I have been friends for a while and good friends for a short minute. We met in the summer of 2009 and then were re-introduced and became friends in the summer of 2010. In our friendship's duration, not only has Ray trained me in my job, but I feel that his example is preparing me for life. Basically, he's shaping my life. He's strong. And supportive.
Ray is one of few people who have seen me in complete hysterics. Yeah, I was embarrassed, but Ray just stood up and gave me a hug. He looked passed my tears and gave me support and wonderful advice.
"Ray" is a selfless person. I learn so much from watching him give up things he wants and/or needs for other people.
He is open-minded and accepting.
He is driven. I would go as far as to say he is the most driven person I have ever encountered. He knows what he wants and he is going for it full force.
He is loyal to the 10th degree. He will stand by those he cares about in any situation. He takes "having your back" very seriously.
He is often critiqued for choices he's made by people who don't know him well. He stands strong in his convictions and presses forward regardless of how others perceive his decisions.
I feel very thankful for this person in my life. I feel increasingly blessed that I get to learn from him everyday.
Miss Jones
Ray and I have been friends for a while and good friends for a short minute. We met in the summer of 2009 and then were re-introduced and became friends in the summer of 2010. In our friendship's duration, not only has Ray trained me in my job, but I feel that his example is preparing me for life. Basically, he's shaping my life. He's strong. And supportive.
Ray is one of few people who have seen me in complete hysterics. Yeah, I was embarrassed, but Ray just stood up and gave me a hug. He looked passed my tears and gave me support and wonderful advice.
"Ray" is a selfless person. I learn so much from watching him give up things he wants and/or needs for other people.
He is open-minded and accepting.
He is driven. I would go as far as to say he is the most driven person I have ever encountered. He knows what he wants and he is going for it full force.
He is loyal to the 10th degree. He will stand by those he cares about in any situation. He takes "having your back" very seriously.
He is often critiqued for choices he's made by people who don't know him well. He stands strong in his convictions and presses forward regardless of how others perceive his decisions.
I feel very thankful for this person in my life. I feel increasingly blessed that I get to learn from him everyday.
Miss Jones
Something I love.
I love brushing my teeth with someone. I don't know what it is about foamy smiles and the noise of the tooth brush scrubbing our pearly whites, but it just makes me feel happy. I just love good teeth.
Quote Goodness
“Someday everything will make perfect sense. So for now,
laugh at the confusion,
smile through the tears and
keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason.”
Fact: Tuesdays are my least favorite days. Not because I don't like my classes, because I do enjoy them, but because I feel refreshed on Mondays, and then after Wednesdays, I'm on a down hill slope. Tuesdays are just bleh. I'm half way done, though and it's turning out to be a great day.
So, Happy Tuesday!
Miss Jones
GrammAr again.
You know how I love a good grammar comic. I actually just love good grammar in general. Here's something I stole from the book of faces.
This is just me being a brat. What else is new?
Miss Jones
Unexpected Gratitude
Because it's the month where we reflect on all the things we should be grateful for, everyone is posting different things they are grateful for. I think that is fantastic, but I can predict the first 10 days of gratitude for almost every person that has been posting. I want to post about some different things that I am grateful for and I hope you won't be expecting them.
1. Nail polish. There is nothing I hate more than looking down at my own feet and seeing naked toenails. Woof.
2. Hot drinks. Cider and hot chocolate are the only things that are making this winter bearable.
3. Carpet. I love to feel the cozy carpet squishing under my tootsies.
4. The Office. No matter what, I'll always have entertainment from this show. Quotes, episodes and "that's what she said jokes."
5. Daily Horoscopes. No, I don't believe them, but I do love to read them.
6. Stairs. I haven't used an elevator this semester. Stairs are fun and wear me out occasionally.
7. Remote Control. Can you imagine standing up to change the channel?!
8. Taco Soup and Green Olives. I have a new found love for both of these foods.
9. Email. How else would I send myself links of the clothes and shoes I want to buy?
10. Cuddle Blankets. Even when I'm by myself, snuggling up in my cuddle blanket is a good experience.
Well, did I succeed? Were these expected items?
I hope you are having a lovely November.
Miss Jones
1. Nail polish. There is nothing I hate more than looking down at my own feet and seeing naked toenails. Woof.
2. Hot drinks. Cider and hot chocolate are the only things that are making this winter bearable.
3. Carpet. I love to feel the cozy carpet squishing under my tootsies.
4. The Office. No matter what, I'll always have entertainment from this show. Quotes, episodes and "that's what she said jokes."
5. Daily Horoscopes. No, I don't believe them, but I do love to read them.
6. Stairs. I haven't used an elevator this semester. Stairs are fun and wear me out occasionally.
7. Remote Control. Can you imagine standing up to change the channel?!
8. Taco Soup and Green Olives. I have a new found love for both of these foods.
9. Email. How else would I send myself links of the clothes and shoes I want to buy?
10. Cuddle Blankets. Even when I'm by myself, snuggling up in my cuddle blanket is a good experience.
Well, did I succeed? Were these expected items?
I hope you are having a lovely November.
Miss Jones
Egg, Mayo and Yogurt
I decided that my hair needed a deep conditioning. I looked high and low for a homemade recipe and I ended up using the one at this link: Homemade Deep Conditioner.
When I got up to the kitchen to whip up some hair lovin' cream, I noticed I was low on mayo and that I was lacking plain yogurt. I improvised and ended up using Boston Creme Pie yogurt and about two tablespoons of Mayo. It smelt really yummy, and it didn't drip at all.
I don't feel like the conditioner was hugely beneficial, probably because the fatty/greasy/sick nasty/jiggly Mayo was in short supply. I would like to try again, but before I get the chance, YOU should try.
Happy conditioning.
Miss Jones
When I got up to the kitchen to whip up some hair lovin' cream, I noticed I was low on mayo and that I was lacking plain yogurt. I improvised and ended up using Boston Creme Pie yogurt and about two tablespoons of Mayo. It smelt really yummy, and it didn't drip at all.
I don't feel like the conditioner was hugely beneficial, probably because the fatty/greasy/sick nasty/jiggly Mayo was in short supply. I would like to try again, but before I get the chance, YOU should try.
Happy conditioning.
Miss Jones
Some laughs.
Yeah, I laughed audibly when I read this. In the library. And for those of you who don't know, FHE stands for Family Home Evening. Feel free to ask a question if you don't know what that means.
Take a second and watch this video:
I don't know what it is with me and dead animals in freezers, but it makes me laugh. Weird?
Miss Jones
Take a second and watch this video:
I don't know what it is with me and dead animals in freezers, but it makes me laugh. Weird?
Miss Jones
Kickin' Off My Sunday Shoes
I went and saw Footloose on Friday night. I was nervous, because I am a BIG fan of the original and I feared the second one wouldn't compare. So wrong.
There were so many things I loved. I loved (some of) the fashion, the music and the actors.

The music was fun too. I loved that the rebel song that Ren gets in trouble for blasting was "Black and Yellow." I laughed out loud about that. I liked that they spiced it up with some current sounds.
The actors were killin' it! Kenny Wormald made a fantastic Ren. He was way less awkward than Kevin Bacon and more attractive. I liked that they said he was from Boston (not Chicago) and gave him an accent. Julianne Hough (as Ariel) did a great job. I expected to not like her in this movie, but she proved me wrong. She was bubbly and sweet (after she loses the attitude). Miles Teller (Willard) was my favorite. He was hilarious. I loved his jokes and great dancing. Ser'Darius Blain (Woody): so freakin' funny. "Add an extra two inches for me." I was definitely laughing harder than anyone on my row. He was great. Shaw (Dennis Quaid) surprised me (he even rocked a cardi). He did a great job. I definitely liked him more than the original.
The movie was great and yes, I've thought about seeing it again. LOVED it.
Miss Jones
Sap nugglets.
a cult?
Let's talk about this article for a moment.
I liked the beginning. I found it to be kind and supportive.
But I didn't like the comments about being a cult or about ol' Mitt being title obsessed.
What is a cult? Google tells me the word "cult" means:
1. A system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.
2. A relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister.
Number one, absolutely. Mormon (or Latter-Day Saint) beliefs are devoted to Jesus Christ.
Number two, absolutely. People believe us to be strange. I do not drink alcohol. I do not curse. I do not wear immodest clothing. Do you find that strange? I don't do these things, because I don't want to. I want to follow the teachings of my gospel. Does that make me odd? If it does, I'll gladly be strange.
Whether Mitt Romney likes being called Bishop or President Romney or not, we say those titles out of respect. It's the equivalent of being called "Pastor Smith" or "Rabbi Shmuley." There's nothing wrong with being addressed with your title and it doesn't mean that you are narcissistic or title obsessed.
I support Mitt Romney as a fellow Mormon and as a fellow United States citizen.
Miss Jones
Just some good things.
These little gems make me smile.
I love sappy, funny and/or obscure posts/photos/quotes (if you didn't know).

^Found this on FB

^This little happy thing was found on
my friend's blog Milk Duds are Low Fat.

^From Milk Duds as well.

^Hey, this one from Duds too!
Are you smiling? I am.
Miss Jones
Oh, and I want you to check out Duds. Duh.
Crazy Rage
Sometimes, I find myself in a crazy rage. Typically, it has to do with people messing up their grammar on facebook. Things like:
spelling "deFINITEly" d-e-f-i-n-a-t-e-l-y,
spelling "grammAr" g-r-a-m-m-e-r,
or combing "a_lot" into one word a-l-o-t
drive me bananas, and I struggle to hold myself back from going all
crazyfbgrammarcorrectinghighschoolteacher on their butts.
Never fear, my good friends. I have found a blogger that shares my distaste for misspelling and other grammatical mishaps. Check out the blog.
Much love,
Miss Jones
I guess I really just love me some quotes.
"No matter how busy a person's day might be,
if they really care,
they'll always find a time for you."
Sometimes, I struggle to realize who cares and who really cares. I feel so fortunate to have had so many people in my life who really care. Thanks to those who find time to really care.
Miss Jones
Sappy Quote
"No, he isn't my boyfriend but I love his
the times we spent together;
I fell in love with our friendship."
Oh boy. Have I had a friendship or two or ten like this? Yes, yes I have. These are kind of my favorite friendships, actually. Boyfriends {friends who are boys} are the best.
Miss Jones
I go through these phases where I miss Spain immensely. Can I just move there and take the people I love the most with me? I don't see why that hasn't happened already. :)
My mother and I at El Generalife. Granda, Spain
Her first ever Paella. Madrid, Spain.
El Generalife. Granda, Spain.

A group shot in Ronda, Spain.
I came to appreciate and love so many of these people.
Mainly I just want to go back and visit my host mother and host sister. It is true, I fell in love in Spain. No, not with a man, but with my group, my family, and my city.
Mucho amor,
Miss Jones
Lucky Girl
I am so lucky.
I get to go to school and get an education.
I have friends that do things just to make me happy.
I have family that truly love me.
School can be stressful and sometimes it even feels pointless, but after this week, I know why I am doing what I'm doing. I am so happy that I spent 4-5 hours a night at the library studying, because the payoff was incredible. I wish I could have this perspective always.
I have a friend that I feel extremely close to. This friend will make time in their extremely busy life to make time for me. This friend will wear something specific just to make me smile. This friend will text me little things to make realize that they care about me too. I have another friend that doesn't hesitate to do something special for me, when they know I am stressed. Having something dropped by the office on a stinky day means the world. These friends make me realize that I have an incredulous life.
My family rocks. Somehow, I manage to get a letter on THE day that I need it most. I have been blessed with some pretty inspired people. I feel lucky to get little acts of support like, "good luck on your test" or "have a great day." Family was such a great idea.
I am so lucky and happy! And even though I hate being vague, I feel that these two friends would be embarrassed to have their names all over this blog.
I hope someone gives you a reason to smile today. If not, smile anyway.
Miss Jones
the moment
Try to imagine me saying all of this with zero sarcasm, because there isn't any. Seriously.
Background info:
So, many people are aware that I do not like being woken up. I do not like it, Sam I am. This means, I do not like alarm clocks or "funny" pranks from siblings (shout out to Lex and Greyson). Basically, do not wake this hibernating bear from sleep, ever. Unfortunately, alarm clocks are a big part of my life. It typically takes me about an hour to be my normal, happy self after waking up, but today, I woke up on the right side of the bed and I noticed a little pep in my step as I sauntered to the bathroom.
Imagine my elation when I walk up the stairs this morning (in my happy--no sarcasm--mood) and hear music blaring from my parents bedroom. The door was open, the news was on and Stu's Christian rock was reflecting off the walls. I chuckled to myself and went in the kitchen to have my breakfast.
I was just thinking to myself how odd it must be to some people (the loud part, not the Christian rock part) that my parents bump music at 8:15 a.m. They crack me up. I do not approve of the genre, but the volume and the time of day are fine by me.
Anyway, I hope this at least made you grin.
Miss Jones
Background info:
So, many people are aware that I do not like being woken up. I do not like it, Sam I am. This means, I do not like alarm clocks or "funny" pranks from siblings (shout out to Lex and Greyson). Basically, do not wake this hibernating bear from sleep, ever. Unfortunately, alarm clocks are a big part of my life. It typically takes me about an hour to be my normal, happy self after waking up, but today, I woke up on the right side of the bed and I noticed a little pep in my step as I sauntered to the bathroom.
Imagine my elation when I walk up the stairs this morning (in my happy--no sarcasm--mood) and hear music blaring from my parents bedroom. The door was open, the news was on and Stu's Christian rock was reflecting off the walls. I chuckled to myself and went in the kitchen to have my breakfast.
I was just thinking to myself how odd it must be to some people (the loud part, not the Christian rock part) that my parents bump music at 8:15 a.m. They crack me up. I do not approve of the genre, but the volume and the time of day are fine by me.
Anyway, I hope this at least made you grin.
Miss Jones
Is a good man's birthday.
Dad, Stu, Stugi, Fathaaa--just a few of his beloved names-- turns 49 today. Wow, that sounds old.
Anyway, Stu is a stand up guy. Really, I'm totally fond of him. He's hardworking, talented, loving, faithful and witty. He cracks me up (not as much as I crack myself up, though). I am lucky to have him. He's the epitome of "dad." At least, when I think of what a "dad" is, Stu's qualities make the list.
He's on a new fitness kick called "Fit By Fifty." His own creation and the the name/slogan makes me want to go to a political rally or something. I actually laughed out loud when he told me the title. He's clever!

Yeah, this photo is from his younger years, but it's just a great shot of him.
So to you, Dad, on your 49th, thanks. Thanks for the love, the laughs, the support and the consequences. Thanks for the lessons, the lectures and the lunches. I thank my lucky stars (and my Heavenly Father) for a Dad like you. Here's to many more memories and funny stories.
I love you!
#3 of 6
Best Thing I Never Had
So, if you could apply Beyonce's song "Best Thing I Never Had" to a friendship--ended friendship--it would perfectly describe a friendship that I had.
I felt I needed to share. Remember, apply it solely in a friend way. You can read the lyrics here, if you want.
And no, I didn't end the friendship, but I am currently feeling that these lyrics are applicable to said friendship. It's hard when you care about someone so much and then they hurt you. Hurt you when you least expect it, but hey, I'm better off.
It's funny how new and/or stronger friendships emerge through hard times. HOLLA to the good folks! New and old. :)
My friend Sammy T. (his nickname that I'm sure he'll love one day) has an awesome blog called "Milk Duds are Low Fat." I seriously check it all the time! Kinda love it. Anyway, this is one of the pictures he's posted and it makes me giddy errrry time. So I thought I'd share. Anyway, you should totally visit Duds, it'll make you grin.

Miss Jones
World of Jenks
Ever heard of it? I love the show. The idea behind it inspires me. A lot. I want to learn about people in the way Andrew Jenks does. Find me a career like that, please.
I stole this from another blog: Just McGee.
Keep your head, heels and standards high.
Words to live by.
A New Word.
I have recently become obsessed with saying, "booger." As in, "Stop being a booger." Or, "Ok, booger-head." I don't understand it. It's just a popular world in my head. Obviously, I need a new word.
Someone help me!
Time Flies.
Wow, I cannot believe that my time in Spain is up. Time seriously flew. I reviewed the last post I made about Nerja. That was ages ago! I have big plans to take some time and post about all of the wonderful places I went including: Sevilla, Ronda, Portugal, and Madrid. I need to spend an entire post on La Alhambra and El Generalife! (I would live in El Generalife if I could.)
My current location: Peoria, AZ. I am here in the greater Phoenix area with my sisters Lexi and Jenn. I came down with the fam damily for Jenn's missionary farewell talk. She is going to Omaha Nebraska. I think that has been mentioned... I hope. Any way, she did a wonderful job on her talk and I was supposed to return to Cedar City after her speech for my job, but I couldn't say goodbye for a year and a half. And thinking that if I were to go on a mission, it'd be a goodbye for 3 years. I couldn't do it. We were balling in the institute building. It was ridiculous. Needless to say, I am here in Phoenix helping Jenn get ready for her mission and helping her pack her apartment. I am glad I stayed. It's always good to spend time with those you love.
Other exciting news, my niece will be here soon and she has a name selected! Her name: Brooke Alexandria (can you believe that?!) Mull. Initals: BAM. I love it. I think her initials are so adorable and funny. She is going to be so precious and I'm pumped be a first time aunt. Bring on the spoiling opportunities! :)
I am looking forward to getting back into the swing of things next week, but for now, I am loving the easy life in Peoria.
Many much love,
Miss Jones
I was asked about this play.
While in Spain.
This is something to think about, friends.
Spain is beautiful. And I am having no fun. ;)
Miss Jones
This is something to think about, friends.
Spain is beautiful. And I am having no fun. ;)
Miss Jones
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